
#Super Meat Boy The goal is to get to bandagegirl. Supermeatboy was a huge game released on xbox arcade, and was well-known for its ridiculous difficulty. I played this game a lot with my dad and sister, and it is one of my favorite games to play. From the beautiful art, to the fantastic level design, to the exciting mechanics, Supermeatboy is regarded as one of the most fun and challenging platformers to exist. The levels are original, and we built the game engine from scratch as well to understand collision detection, physics, graphics, and animations mote intimately.

To play Super meat boy

  1. Download the zip file off of github.
  2. Extract the zip file
  3. Open eclipse
  4. In eclipse do File > Import > General >Existing projects > Supermeatboy (the root directory where you extracted the zip)
  5. Now that Supermeatboy is imported, go to src > app > and hit run.

Theres are 2 worlds Forest and Factory. Each has 8 levels, here are some of them!

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